Delivering international standards for livestock traceability systems

The pillars of a traceability system are founded upon the identification of individual animals or homogenous groups of animals, the ability to track their movements, proper identification of premises, and recording of this information in appropriate registers (OIE).

In addition to this, the practical ability to effectively trace livestock is multifaceted and relies on a balanced combination of on-ground resourcing to record and verify events, an effective management and technology-based system and readily and rapidly accessible data. Where any one of these factors is diminished, so too is the reliability of the process, thereby increasing the risk of ineffective traceability.

After an international competitive tender, Schuster Consulting Group was engaged to conduct an extensive review of livestock traceability approaches undertaken globally and develop an international standard for traceability systems as well as standards for users of traceability systems around the world. The standards were required to adhere to standards development processes recommended by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and work under the Livestock Global Assurance Program (LGAP).

After a 12 month project involving significant research, consultation and standards design, LGAP 1004 Livestock assurance – Requirements for traceability systems used by Operators and Facilities was delivered.

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If you operate within the food production, natural resource management, agribusiness, agriculture or technology sectors then contact us to see how we can help.

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