Standards, Conformance & Policy

Conformity assessment schemes or programs (often called “QA programs”) can provide formal recognition of an organisation’s conformance to an industry standard, specification or a regulatory requirement.

Such programs allow:

  • suppliers to make and substantiate clear claims of conformity with a standard; and
  • buyers to specify and successfully procure conforming products or services.

Schuster Consulting can assist individual organisations or industry representative bodies to develop conformity assessment programs, including assisting with:

  • Needs analysis and research into the feasibility of developing standards or a conformity assessment program.
  • Definition of the policies, procedures, rules and standards for which conformance is sought.
  • Development of a program to certify products, processes or services against the requirements.
  • Design and implementation of a program, including domestic and international testing as required.
  • Reviews and critical assessments of existing schemes, programs, standards, codes of practice, governance arrangements or procedures.
  • Engagement with regulators and policy facilitation.
  • Development of auditor guidance, checklists and training.
  • Preparation of best practice guides and standard operating procedures.

Our team has considerable skills and experience in resolving conflicts and facilitating consensus among the disparate legal, technical and commercial interests which often underlie conformance programs. Working in conjunction with our client, we define the policies, principles, standards, rules and governance structures that form the foundation of the program. Once these are agreed, the next step is to review or develop the intellectual property required to operate the program. This includes the rules and standards, registration materials, guidance materials, training programs, legal agreements, audit checklists and requisite procedural documentation.

Get in touch

If you operate within the food production, natural resource management, agribusiness, agriculture or technology sectors then contact us to see how we can help.

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